Modelling of refractory materials and ceramics, with a view to technological applications - April 22, 2016, Trento (Italy);
Download the "Workshop program and book of abstracts"
- Specialistic session Non-local modelling of materials
within the Congress "AIMETA", September 14-17, 2015, Genova (Italy);
- State of the art and challenges in
thermal and mechanical modelling of ceramic materials - March 20, 2015, Trento (Italy);
Download the "Workshop program and book of abstracts"
- Advanced Problems in the Mechanical Modelling of Ceramic Materials - January 27, 2015, Orlando (USA) within the "EMN Ceramics Meeting", January 26-29, 2015;

Download the "Program & abstract book"

Research visits at UNITN
- Prof. Tomasz Hueckel (Duke University - USA) - June 2014
- Prof. Benjamin Loret (Laboratoire Sols, Solides, Structures, Grenoble - F) - October, November 2013
Dr. Francesco Dal CorsoDipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Ambientale e Meccanica
Università di Trento, via Mesiano, 77 I-38123 Trento (Italia)